February 5th & 6th, 2008
We found this Street gap, with rugged ground, but that didnt stop Josh from Olling it.
Henrick from Sweden and his Thai girl Yui took us to the spot.
Was an awesome international people night out, from the Swiss that live and feed the Thai Skateboard Community
with a skateshop called Preduce, The Russians that are touring the Kenny Reed, some Americans, Thai, and
more...  everyone got the buzz...
Kenny and Josh were all motivated in the morning to skate this natural quarterpipe outside of BK.
I have learned one thing, you can ask anyone on the streets and they will never be able to help you finding a spot.
illest spot ever, but you'll never get more then 2 tries.
Josh was able to get a Fs Rock while Security was kicking us out.
Almost missed our flight to Ho Chi Minh City cause our taxi took us to a totally different Hotel on the way back,
but somehow made it on time.
Saigon (aka. Ho Chi Minh City)
Its so warm here...
Michael and Anna arrived just as we did the night before from Cambodia.
Full Tank for our Mopeds that we been renting to get around town is 4 Dollars which last a full day.
This is the traffic that we got to deal with in the center of Saigon, mad sketchy, but there are no Traffic rules
here, so you just go and watch out that you don't hit anyone.
And we been finding some cool stuff.
Pollution is horrible here...
Vietnam Flages everywhere...
and electrcity...
and kids with guns...
After a fun session with Josh and the locals from Bangkok, we headed to the Bangkok La Rambla to meet up with
the new homies.