Ho Chi Minh City
Feb 14th and 15th, 2008
Our last day in Saigon before taking the train north to another city to keep searching for spots.
Michi skating through traffic...
Kev at work
Josh left the Ho Chi Minh Ducks and we left to go to another city. For anyone going to Asia, always take a sleeper
train, since the sleeper buses or soft sleeper seats in buses, suck!
After a bunch of hours on the train, we arrived into Coconut Palm Tree beach heaven.
I am keeping the name of this city on the down-low since we don't want peops to crave up on our spots...hehe
Michi's been here a couple weeks prior, so upon arrival, he showed us the spots.
virgin ledges need some wax...
It was defiantly a little cooler here then in Saigon
and the signs were a little gay...
after the sun showed itself, it was time to get to work...
Dany Hamard 5-0
the kids would always wait till we got done filming and then took our boards and ride around on them on their backs...
one of the days we took off to the country side with our bikes and checked out this amazing waterfall. Too bad i had
to shoot with Black and White film that day, and they can't develop B&W film here, so i am gonna have to upload
those pictures when i get to China.
here is a little glimpse...
sometimes i just wanna use my sunglasses as a filter to make the sunset even more astonishing...
beautiful city
les frances