March 6th to March 9th, 2008
The best thing has happened to me in Bangkok. After filming with Leo and the guys, I take a cab home, and this
Taxi driver has music going in the cab. One song after another, they kept getting better and better... I asked him
what Radio channel it was, he responded it was his Disco Magic Cassette. After a one hour rush hour way back to
the Hotel, enjoying the 70s, I had to buy it off of him. Since then Jeremy, Leo, Tao, a couple Chinese Cab drivers,
got hooked on it aswell, we been listening to the 70s before arriving to the spots...
Preduce Skateshop
Leo and I been trying to get footage...
... it would be easy since Leo has the skills and Bangkok has spots like these, but a total bust, gotta land first try or
your out!
Leo Flip de backside...
In the land of the Thais, you won't get cans, unless you pay more...
Tao is the best, always makes me laugh, but when he gets serious, he puts it down, like this sketchy grind.
the next day, I went filming around Bangkok, tried to film some Monks coming out of a Temple. I waited with Leo
about 15 minutes, but nothing happened... Leo left, I waited about another hour and all I got was nothing...
I would suck at DocuMONKtaring...
pretty women everywhere in BK...
Strange but awesome thing about Bangkok. At 6PM at many parks in BK, the people stop whatever they are doing
and do gymnastics for 1 hour, no matter how old you are or what body shape your in, you are doing it with 90s Soft
Techno Music, Insane...
Didn't get a monk on film, but at least got a decent Photo, which i am hyped on!