End of March, 2008
Watching out for those Mongolians all day...
the wall isn't too long... just like 4,000 miles...
Megan had the same love towards this Great Wall as I had!
yeah its cold in Beijing, and this women sells Tee Shirts.
Thanks to our Taxi driver, who mistaked "The Great Wall of China" with some Temple... took us a half an hour the
wrong way before actually getting to the Great Wall.
The next day we headed to the Forbidden City, a place which is pretty not forbidden, even crooked cap grandmas
made it in there.
Temples for days...
5 cent Bill floating
After checking what Beijing had to offer, it was off to Shanghai with Megan, and a bunch of other chinese with bags...
but we had like 5 hours before the sleeper train left so we checked the other side of the train station.
When arriving in Shanghai, I could have charged my phone for a Yuan on a
"Charge-your-Cell-on the-Streets-Machine"...
After still not bumping into Jackie Chan in Hong Kong, Shenzhen & Beijing, I am really hoping Shanghai is the spot
where I finally get to meet the master of Kung Fu!