April 13th to April 18th, 2008
This was my Hotel Room in Chungkung Manshion, I was over it, and time to head out to Seoul to meet up with Danny!
Arrived in Seoul at the evening, Keem was nice enough to let me and Danny chill over at his crib for the couple days.
The Day after Danny and I headed out to skate his motherland.
Koreans are hard workers... Korea reminded me a lot to Japan. People also told me that Korea is the closest that
you can get to Japan.
Reflecting that green!
The Metro System is insane, would defiantly need a little while to know whats up...
Danny resting after a long day...
The second day was all about Temples, shoot Danny's Intro...
Danny Lost?
I was born in the year of the Rabbit! Oh yeah and another fact about Asia that you might have not know... when
someone is like 30 years old and was born in December, and lets say its either January to November of that year he
or she is actually 28 years old in our age system. For an exact explanation, when someone is born in some parts of
Asia he or she is already 1 years old Instead of starting with 0 and when a new years starts he or she is a year older
aswell... pretty weird but makes sence aswell since we all already lived in our moms before we came out.
Temples under construction
Business vs. Tradition
Creativity vs. Tradition