June 28th - Mid July, 2008
Barcelona & New York
I get back from Morocco and I guess it was a little too warm for my roommate to be sleeping in his room,
so the Balcony was his preferred option.
The next day it was the BIG day, Germany vs. Spain!
Spain won! Germany was playing horrible, Spain deserved it. Was still an upsetting night for me!
People were happy though... Check the Video clip, shows the Spanish people celebrating. Its funny, pay
attention in the beginning, some guy took a flag from a Women, and she is fighting to get it back, but he is all
drunk and all like "what are you talkin about?". I noticed them two after filming it. Oh yeah and keep an out
out for the Doctor at the end of the clip.
On the last day before heading back to the states, Malcolm takes me to this spot.... whaaaaaaat!!!!
After the "last minute filming craze" in Barcelona, instead of heading into the city to film more, I chilled out with my
folks in Long Island!
In the city Fiddy had a couple more days before heading to Cali, so we got some footy early since this spot is a
part of a restaurant and you can only skate it before Noon. He had like 3 hours of sleep!
filming with Fiddy is always a pleasure! Awesome smooth skating, good personality and funny!
Nolan somehow hurt his foot when I got back so he was out for a month. But luckily just got better so that we
can finish filming the final touches for his part!
Vincent is back from Florida!
Billy knows some spots up in Harlem
Michael came over for two weeks to get the last final touches on his part! He doesn't like to look into the sun, the
Frenchies are weird...hehe,was an awesome time with him here, your always invited to come over!
Michi never tends to like to skate the mainstream spots so we hopped over to Queens to get some footy on
the Pepsi Ledge!
I want a Bicycle next time we look for spots in Queens...
Michael Mackrodt, Ollie Bump to Bar, Brooklyn.
A couple shots after this Photo my Light Meter in my Analog Camera broke somehow. So since this Shot i wasn't
able to take any more Analog Photos (which is also the reason why I am slow on the Photo Updates).
My Dad had more Balls when it came to putting your feet in the cold water... I been spoiled with nice warm water
Beaches i guess...