Hua Hin & Bangkok
Last Days of December and Beg. of January
Going for the...
Click on the Video Tape next to the Elephant to see all the stunts performed by the Elephants
(Filmed with my Snapshot Digital Camera)
Elephants gotta know how to darts!
But would you trust an Elephant this much???
Elephants can paint!
Fattest Goalkeeper ever!
Happy New Year! I would of killed for that much cheap firework, when I was like ten...
All the people who died (around 60) in the big fire in the Night Club in Bangkok a couple hours into the New Years
Day, Rest in Peace!
No one wants to work on January first, not even Security!
Had a day left in Bangkok before heading to Cambodia so we checked out Wat Rachaphradit.
The Temple had the steepest stairs, one stair was like knee high!
Entering the Kingdom of Cambodia can be quite sketchy. We took a 5am bus ride to a city close to the border, and
from that point on, its third world. So called 'Touts' try to sell you Visas for Cambodia for the double of the price, 7
year old kids have their little two or three year old brother or sister on their backs asking for dollars, and so forth.
But thats just by the boarder, once you cross, people are friendly and helpful.
We met this French couple at the boarder, who also went to Battembang, shared a 2 hour cab ride with them.
This is how you fill up your car in Cambodia.
10,000 Riel (Cambodian money) roughly equals up to a pound!
You have to be 16 to ride a bike in Cambodia...haha, no I am just kidding, if you can sit on the damn thing, you can
also legally drive it!
Cambodian Grillz
This was an advertisement board for a Bakery!
Entering Battembang...