Koh Tao
End of January, 2009
Tao and Jack...
Manifest Destiny! Which basically means the desire to head West during the Gold Rush in the States (according
to my 7th Grade History classes, if i remember correctly). Heading East became the new Manifest Destiny.
Looking for new spots to conquer on this island!
Island Bacon... if only American Health inspectors could see this...
Before leaving the Island we decided to check out the Connecting Islands not far from the Main Island. It was the
main tourist attraction dragging people to go to Koh Tao!
People been enjoying this view for the past 15 years now!
Adelmo climbed to the top!
This whole trip we been making fun of how everything is pink in Thailand, buses, taxis, etc. And then we found a
Pink boat...
Digging for Gold! And we are catching a Taxi Boat back to Chumpon from where we would take a train back to
No tears, but everyone would of wanted to stay a little longer on the Island!
Paolo has this 9 frames an exposure camera. Thanks Paolo for the pictures. And the guys were off to China. I had
a couple more days left in Bangkok to film with the Preduce homies before flying back to London.
Bangkok has Temples...
And they also need to be pained fresh white sometimes...
Literally the last picture I took before I dropped my precious Nikon F3 and broke it... R.I.P Nikon F3 2007-2009!
Bye Bye Koh Tao! Boat back to land! (Photo by Joe Brook) Check Joe's Fatback Blog at www.slapmagazine.com!
By the way on the way back from Chumpon to Bangkok we took a Cockroach Train. On the way to the Island the
Train was dope and clean, for some reason this train was filled with Cockroaches everywhere. I woke up three
times having a Cockroach next to my face. When I took out the Camera I wasn't able to get one on tape, but
believe me this train was filled, the clip above shows the atmosphere...