Mid-End February, 2009
After I dropped my Nikon F3 at this Temple in Bangkok, I was kind of bummed and tried to get it repaired, but its
cheaper to buy a new one, I was told... I got no money at the moment to be buying new cameras, so I was able to
borrow a Medium Format camera from the University. My new love,the Bronica!
Rain in London is not common...
modern day flaneur'in history... here are some of the frames I got with my first roll that I shoot!
Other English speaking Newspapers...
Africa in London
Steph Morgan is actually from South Africa!
Warm up Tailslides before getting kicked out!
Dan Cates
"why don't we just call the pub, the Famous Cock?"
Cates Girlfriend worked at this event that Relentless Energy Drink was holding on night. Free booze & Boxing!
Protesting whats happening in Iraq!
Eugene Backside Smith the knobbed ledge!
John and I been working on this project, which involves an Interview with Stu Dockree. Stu has been refurbishing
the old red Telephone kiosks the past eight years.
Each Phonebox contains over 90 pieces of glass, each has a frame and each needs to be repainted to its original
red! It costs London 2000 pounds to keep the Red Telephone boxes alive since, the restoration costs are high.
Stu Dockree, with his Telephonebox which he was asked to turn into a toilet!