Moscow and Yekaterinburg
July 12 -17th, 2009
Red Square! Click on the Image to see it in big!
A look at St. Basil's...
Tanner and Mackrodt!
Kirill Korobkov. He told me that he has been to Red Square a bunch of times,but never taken a photo of himself there.
First time for everything!
Moscow is filled with historical statues. Charles de Gaulle!
No Planes, only Trains!
And after 3 days of skating Moscow, it was on to Yekaterinburg!
Preparing for the 31 hour ride!
Tickets being checked while Michael gets some snacks for the trip...
Our first train ride was one of the longest ones. I loved it though! 31 hours wasn't enough to check out everything...
After a day and night and full day on the train, we arrived! We tried to get a Taxi to our Hotel, and realized that we
have entered into Siberian territory, when one Taxi driver started literary beating up and chasing the other Taxis
away from us, because he saw us first... Insane!
Dinner in Yekaterinburg! Laurence was eating raw sausage with dry toast bread... bon appetit!
We turned Michi's "Tim Tim" shoe into the "Tin Tin"
Kirill and Alexey knew of this Double bank Spot in Yekaterinburg. Probably one of the best spots there...
We were skating this spot, close to where I took this Portrait of Zvereff. Alexey lost his and Kirills' passport... We
thought the trip was done for them, luckily some random skaters found Alexey's bag and found to our Hotel to bring
it back! Was a pretty close call!
On the last day in Yerkaterinburg, we went to the Europe and Asia boarder. I am not going to tell you much about it
right now, it will be covered in the Documentary of this trip! Should be released in the Winter!
Russian people like to get married at our skate spots! But we don't mind when beautiful women watch us film!
John Tanner, sliding over from Europe to Asia!