Krasnoyarsk, Divnogorsk & Irkutsk
July 23rd to 28th, 2009
From London all the way to Krasnoyarsk, Siberia!
I don't know why but I always tend to take picture of missing animal flyers...
Siberian Toy Store
Love the Russian Orthodox Churches, so colorful and possesses a strong identity towards Siberian architecture!
Danny Hochman isn't a soldier, but is a warrior when it comes to film technical maneuvers!
On one of the last days in Krasnoyarsk, it was raining again, so we went to Divnogorsk, Naim's home city and
checked out his local spot and went to the famous Hydroelectric Dam!
rain...rain... and more rain.
The 10 Roubles note has the Hydroelectric Dam on it!
Build in the mid 1950s, took 16 years to build, supplies 6000 Million Watts, & is 1km long, stops a lot of water!
It felt really weird being at the Dam, you hear this high frequency of electricity streaming through the air at all times,
and it just felt really soviet... At the left side of the Dam there was this huge painting of Lenin's head in all red. It was
a pretty unusual experience being there, I am glad we went there.
tires blown out ...
Afterwards we ate at a typical soviet cafeteria. Some liked the food, some got sick! (Michi, you shouldn't have
drank that Compost)
Mr. Mackrodt
Myself at the Gate of Dragon (which is a playground by the way)... Photo by Michi or Cates
Dan Cates! very funny man!
Some Russian Police officer or Security Guard by the Market
Mister Watermelon Dealer,this guy was Awesome! He loved us, while we were waiting for Michi to do his shopping,
this guy was just baffled by us!
If you could read Russian, you would laugh!
Babushkas everywhere in Siberia!
And we are out of Krasnoyask. Cates wanted to take a car to Irkutsk, but the door was missing and the owner got
really pissed that he sat in his abondoned run down piece of shit vehicle... mutans... Its really hard to film or take
photos in Siberia from or of the locals, they just hate it.
Had a great time in Krasnoyarsk, will hopefully be back soon!
Alexey, the photographer!
Cates again... enjoying the view
the next day we arrive in Irkutsk!
some of the guys made friends with a Spanish girl doing the same trip with some of her other Spanish friends from
Madrid... Plans to meet up at a bar i think at night written on her hand...
Dan Zvereff, Fs Boardslide Pop Out!