August 4th to 5th, 2009
It was almost time to hit up China, so we all been waiting for this part of the trip, the one day adventure into the wild!
Camels, Horses, Eagles, Bows and Arrows... Kids have some fun toys in Mongolia!
Laurence is not afraid!
My Shutter wasn't fast enough for the Arrow!
Kids in Mongolia!
Danny, my travel mate, been with this guy to a bunch of places! Thanks for the good times!
Mongolia has nature!
getting closer and closer to chinese (now a days) known architecture...
Gers! Our homes for a night!
Stas was so confused when we entered Mongolia since he wasn't able to read the signs even though the letters
were the same as in Russian, the pronunciation of the letters have different meanings...
Click on image for a 360! Sorry wasn't able to match it up too well since the lighting changed and missed some spots!
Michael Mackrodt, always ready for an adventure, even though I had to convince him for like a month or two, to
come along on this trip. Mr. Mackrodt is a pretty busy person!
Daniel Zvereff never rode a horse before!
Everyone had a great time, I would have had too, if I wouldn't have had to take my luggage with me. Sometimes
you just gotta sacrifice if you want to document something.
Probably one of my favorite days of the trip!
Night out! We had a crazy karaoke session that night, to see footage of that, check the Bonus section of the
upcoming Documentary!
Back to Ulaanbataar!
This guy was our neighbor! We lived in a pretty sketchy area, actually on the night of my birthday, Danny and Michael
were a hair away of getting beaten with a metal rod or even getting killed. More about that in the documentary aswell!