Berlin & Moscow
Early to mid March, 2010
Before heading to the premiere for "10,000 Kilometers" in Moscow, I went over to Berlin to visit Michi and check
Check Point Charlie.
Germans love Soccer. Berlin was freezing so Michi, Pirkka, Kliewer and some friends went to play indoor.
Pirkka was in town. He came over from Finland to judge an Element contest.
The contest was held in Leipzig. Michi was shouting!
I got an autograph... I was hyped!
Forbidden Shoes!
Berlin is filled with these Bears. There are over 200 ones spread around the city, each one painted by children
from every county of the world!
Istanbul on my her head, and Istanbul on my mind.
We are heading to Moscow now!
Above western Russia!
Red Square in the Winter with Tanner!
I don't know if i mentioned this already, but the Architect who created the St. Basil Cathedral was blinded with hot
needles so that he could never build anything as beautiful ever again... Nice Story, right?!
Gotta love the Metro in Moscow! We stayed at Stas's house in Moscow (Thanks Stas) and he lived at the last stop,
so we were metroing all day, every day!
what is on her mind? Georgia?
The Kremlin protection!
The Kremlin!