Cappadocia & Istanbul
April 4th - 6th, 2010
What a cliché... Kenny on a camel somewhere in an Arabic country...
Some of the rocks are erotically shaped.
Click on the Photo to enlarge.
City houses in rocks, close to Ürgüp. (Photo by Stas Provotorov)
Italian tourists.
After four days of Ankara, we jumped on a bus to the city inbetween Europe and Asia... Istanbul!
I used to film with Günes for Diagonal (Adidas Video). I knew he was Turkish/Swedish, so i asked him for some
contacts, and out of coincidence he was in Istanbul with the family for a day while we were there.
Who knew that almost all the hotels in Istanbul were booked out. Spend over and hour an a half after we found a
small apartment to rent.
The group narrowed down. Tanner left, so it was only Kenny, Stas, Kirill and myself left.
Mr. Provotorov at night.
Shisha nights in Istanbul!
The Blue Mosque in Black and white, I fell in love with 1600 ASA at night.
Photo from Asia to Europe.
Kenny Reed, Wallride to fakie in the center of Turkey.