Sofia & Bucharest
April 2010
The Cyrillic alphabet has always been a Russian stereotype for me. Was surprised to find out that two Bulgarian
monks were the founders of the Cyrillic script in the 9th century.
One of the main spots in Bucharest.
Lots of street dogs around Bucharest...
It was Charlie Chaplin day or something, the streets were packed with imitating Chaplins'. One random Backer from
a boulangerie thought it was funny and joined for a photo, then straight afterwards insulted him... weird.
After two days of skating (no filming luckily) in Bucharest, it was a farewell to countries bordering the Black Sea...
Left on a 13 hour train ride from the most gypsy populated country, to the semi most gypsy spread country in
Europe, Hungary.
Budapest for a couple days to relax & visit my sister, before heading back to England to study manderin...
Back in London, had some germans visiting... Michi Dufner, Nollie 180 Heelfllip, South London.
Tobias says he can beat Mackrodt in Tennis...
Super 8 Minolta XL 401
Everyone left the trip besides Kirill and myself, so we went skating, with only our boards and my super 8. Click above
on the Super 8 camera to check some of Kirill's maneuvers!
Took a 11 hour sitting train ride with Kirill to the country of Dracula. Arrived in Bucharest at 5am and we got greeted
to eight year old kids sniffing glue and to Taxi drivers asking for 5 US Dollars just to point towards the direction
where our hotel is, and not driving us.
Bulgaria originally covered most of the Balkan region from the 5th century (AD) to the first millennium, then soon
after the Ottoman empire took control for over 500 years, leaving Bulgaria under control till full sovereignty in the
beginning of the 20th century. Formally part of the eastern bloc, Bulgaria just like most of the ex Russian satellites
got rid of socialism and adapted to a free market capitalism only two decades ago. And now they're part of the EU!
Around the middle of our trip we decided to annex Bulgaria and Romania towards our trip around the Black Sea.
Unfortunately, Stas got sick and Kenny had to fly back to USA to take care of his taxes, so the trip consisted of Kirill
and myself in the Balkans...
The bus ride to Bulgaria from Istanbul was a quite pleasant one regarding that we were served free wifi on the
route as well as live Turkish television embedded on the seat in front of you.
We didn't have much time in Bulgaria, filmed a line with Kenny before the rain & flight home, and then off to Bulgaria
with Kirill.