While the Cold War has concluded in the early 1990s, a couple communistic nations haven't shaken off the Iron Curtain. Notorious for being the most isolated country, North Korea is without any dispute the most setback country known to man. But one Caribbean Island overtaken by Fidel Castro with the help of tee-shirt-icon Che Guevara in the late 1950s, still runs as during the Cold War. Propaganda everywhere, capitalistic commercials hidden from sight, people lining up for goods, state owned supermarkets filled with countable variations of beans and toothpaste, are just the couple of things to stick out when circling this magical island. Now that even the American Embassy has opened up again in Havana the other day, Walker Ryan, Michael Mackrodt, Tommy Zhao and myself set off early 2014 to the lower western hemisphere to explore this island before capitalism takes over.