The ingredients to align a perfect trip always varies. There are just too many factors which can turn a journey into trail out of hell or a never ending disaster. It is always a bit nerve-wracking boarding that flight into the unknown, but than again not really since you have close friends along with you and every step of the way. On arrival we though to ourselves, 'holy shit, what are we doing here trying to skate?!', no one said it, but was thinking it in either english, german or russian. Empty streets with glue sniffing kids and prostitutes warming themselves up on a street fire were the images we went to bed with on that late arrival in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Never the less, everything changed on the second day when light struck and we slowly started becoming more comfortable with our new home for the next two weeks. To watch the story, go find 'Melodies for the Lemurs' in the video selections.