Dan Zvereff has a secret
New York
June 2010
From Castles on misty lakes to construction workers on cars… We are in New York City!
I am filming with a Doctor for his upcoming video part… Kyle Brown!
You know that you are in America when you see money spend well!
Dan Zvereff next to a Thai temple out of bricks in deep Brooklyn.
Brian Kelley in the Bronx, about to land a well acrobatically performed front flip, or about to fall on his ass….i’ll let you decide!
Haven’t seen Billy Rohan for ages. And when i finally meet him he tells me that he is going to Iraq with a BMX crew to entertain the soldiers…
Went to the Maloof contest to film a web clip for a German website. Many Santiago Kickflip bs boardslide!
Josh looked like an filming astronaut with that life stream antenna on his back.
Was awesome seeing Nolan again. Great guy! Keep ripping!
I convinced Michael Mackrodt to come to New York once again. Good times!
Skating up in the Bronx and Harlem all day and night and Disco late night!
Unfortunately, Germany only made third place in the World Cup. But Michael made first place with his “Fishing lines” clip which can be watched under Media!