One day he will jump over

Budapest, London, Leipzig, Berlin

January 2010

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Budapest_ParlamentLOWQThe film roll starts and Budapest’s Parliament just made it into the first frame!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_FlyingFishLOWQUnderneath the Duna river, there is a Disco!



35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_OliverLemonTreeLOWQLong time friend Oliver came for a visit!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_WillHurtYouDogLOWQAngry Dog… One day he will get over the fence…

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_ParlamentAtNightLOWQParliament at night!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_TheHeroLOWQHero’s Square!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_TrabantSunsetLOWQHero’s Square!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_AtTheDentistLOWQLucky to have a dentist within the family, had my teeth cleaned!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_BelaThePainterLOWQMy Uncle is a painter!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_MotherLOWQLovely Mother!

35mmPatrikWallner_Budapest_KeletiPooLOWQAll throughout end of December till late February I was on the computer editing, sorry for the lack of photos!

35mmPatrikWallner_London_BrickLane1000PBack in London for University… Found a room on Bricklane.

35mmPatrikWallner_London_WindowView1000PWindow view!

35mmPatrikWallner_London_ChurchTaxi1000PClose to Liverpool Street…

35mmPatrikWallner_London_JohnSwitchCrooks1000PJohn Tanner is a Londoner, Switch Crooks are just one of his specialties…

35mmPatrikWallner_London_JohnReady1000PCold and windy…

35mmPatrikWallner_London_JohnTannerKickflip1000PJohn Tanner, Kickflip out of the waves in London.

35mmPatrikWallner_Berlin_CharlyCheckPointAmericaLOWQ1000PBefore heading to the premiere for “10,000 Kilometers” in Moscow, I went over to Berlin to visit Michi and check out Check Point Charlie.



35mmPatrikWallner_Berlin_IndoorSoccerLOWQ1000PGermans love Soccer. Berlin was freezing so Michi, Pirkka, Kliewer and some friends went to play indoor.

35mmPatrikWallner_Leipzig_PirkkaHypedLOWQ1000PPirkka was in town. He came over from Finland to judge an Element contest.

35mmPatrikWallner_Leipzig_MichiScreamingLOWQ1000PThe contest was held in Leipzig. Michi was shouting!


35mmPatrikWallner_Leipzig_SigningWithMichiAndPirkkaLOWQ1000PI got an autograph… I was hyped!

35mmPatrikWallner_Berlin_ForbiddenShoesLOWQ1000PForbidden Shoes!

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Berlin_BearLOWQBerlin is filled with these Bears. There are over 200 ones spread around the city, each one painted by children from every county of the world!

35mmPatrikWallner_Berlin_IstanbulOnMyMindLOWQIstanbul on my her head, and Istanbul on my mind.

35mmPatrikWallner_Berlin_FlightToMoscowLOWQ1000PWe are heading to Moscow now!
