Kenny’s hardflips are going backwards

Ankara, Cappadocia, Istanbul

Early April 2010

35mmPatrikWallner_Tbilisi_TheViewOfTbilsiLOWQSameba at Nightfall before we left Georgia!

35mmPatrikWallner_Tbilisi_KennyGettingDrinksPijamasLOWQKenny at 7am walking to a local market to grab drinks in his pajamas

35mmPatrikWallner_ToAnkara_KirillSunglassLOWQKirill at a random gas station on the way back towards the Black Sea!


35mmPatrikWallner_Ankara_GettingIslamLOWQEntered the Ottoman Empire from east! 22 hour bus ride… Lentil soup at the boarder was the remedy!

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Ankara_KennyBs5_0HubbasLOWQWe been informed by friends who have been to Turkey, that Ankara (the capital) is a must see for skateboarders. There are really good spots all over the city, but we were only able to find them because of Nuri, a Turkish photog. for Red Bull, he showed & drove us around the city, best Turkish human being! Kenny bs 5-0 baby hubs!

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Ankara_JohnTannerFakieBlunt_LOWQNot the best angle for noseblunts, but here you go! John Tanner Fakie Noseblunt at the main Hospital in Ankara. Nuri somehow got permission for us to skate this spot, he just gave the chairman a copy of “Translations” and we got one full hour to session.

35mmPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_SheepLOWQAfter a couple days of filming, we decided to head into the center of Turkey, Cappadocia and explore the magnificent geographical features that Turkey had to offer… but first, sheep for five hours.

35mmPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_GasStationDogLOWQGas station man and tall guardian…

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_DuckIslandLOWQPassing threw random petite villages, this one with an island owned by ducks guarding pots.

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_NuriKirillStasTannerKennyCap_LOWQNuri, Kirill (with tourist binoculars), Stas, Tanner & Kenny in the Nevşehir Province!

35mmPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_BeautyInNatureLOWQWorld Heritage Site


35mmPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_StasInTheCaveLOWQCappadocia, the region, has a pretty long history dating back to the 6th Century before Christ. First in the hands of the Persians (or modern Syria), then Armenians & finally at around the first millenium, the Turks invaded.


MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_KennyInRockLOWQKenny was thinking of renting an apartment here.

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_Worker_LOWQLocal farmer




35mmPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_KennyCamelDoingItAgainLOWQWhat a cliché… Kenny on a camel somewhere in an Arabic country…

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_CarpeDiemStasLOWQSome of the rocks are erotically shaped.


MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_PatrikCappadociaPortraitLOWQCity houses in rocks, close to Ürgüp. (Photo by Stas Provotorov)

35mmPatrikWallner_Cappadocia_TouristInArabNightsLOWQItalian tourists.

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Istanbul_BlueMosqueAndSky_LOWQAfter four days of Ankara, we jumped on a bus to the city inbetween Europe and Asia… Istanbul!

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Istanbul_GunesInTurkeyLOWQI used to film with Günes for Diagonal (Adidas Video). I knew he was Turkish/Swedish, so i asked him for some contacts, and out of coincidence he was in Istanbul with the family for a day while we were there.

35mmPatrikWallner_Istanbul_DryThemUpLOWQWho knew that almost all the hotels in Istanbul were booked out. Spend over and hour an a half after we found a small apartment to rent.


35mmPatrikWallner_Istanbul_Kenny3200ISOLOWQThe group narrowed down. Tanner left, so it was only Kenny, Stas, Kirill and myself left.

35mmPatrikWallner_Istanbul_Stas3200ISOLOWQMr. Provotorov at night.


35mmPatrikWallner_Istanbul_KirillPimpinShishaChessLOWQShisha nights in Istanbul!

35mmPatrikWallner_Istanbul_BlueMosqLeftRightLOWQThe Blue Mosque in Black and white, I fell in love with 1600 ASA at night.



MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Istanbul_BridgeViewLOWQPhoto from Asia to Europe.

MediumFormatPatrikWallner_Ankara_KennyVerticalWallrideLOWQLowKenny Reed, Wallride to fakie in the center of Turkey.